Small Group Personal Training Membership form Name* First Last Phone*Email* How do you feel about your body right now?*What is your goal within the next 28 days?*What is stopping you from achieving this goal?*If you were successful in gaining a place for this program, when would be the best time for your coaching?*Our specialist training facility is located at 116 Southeast Lorenz Drive, Ankeny, IA 50021*Can you commit to attending sessions here? Yes No This program will give you everything you need: Exercise, You won’t need to keep up with a big group. Nutrition, Customized Nutrition Program just for you. Personalized Training just for you Support & Motivation Your Results are guaranteed.How ready, willing and able are you to invest time, money, effort & commitment into getting results?*When is the best time to contact you about your application?*CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.