Attention Des Moines area Residents…

“FINALLY! A Des Moines Area Weight Loss & Fitness Program That Combines the Ultra Fun Environment and Cost Effective Structure of a Boot Camp WITH the Individualization and Extra Coaching That Personal Training Provides!!”


Elite Group Personal Training at Elite Edge Gym Des Moines Area

Dear Friend,

Personal Training in the Des Moines Area Will NEVER Be the Same Again!

YES! That is a very bold statement, and I’m more than prepared to back it up.

Until now, personal training programs in the Des Moines Area have been built on a one-on-one personal training model. In other words, one personal trainer works with one client…typically for a one-hour personal training session.

I’m here to tell you that model, for the most part, is OBSOLETE!

One-on-One Personal training boring…

One-on-One Personal training lacks energy…

AND, one-on-one personal training is missing one of the most important factors for weight loss success… SOCIAL SUPPORT.

Now, on the flip side, One-on-One Personal Training DOES PROVIDE very individualized programming and a very detailed level of coaching. Hold that thought…

Right now, boot camps are all the rage in the fitness industry, and rightfully so. Boot Camps, when done right, are extremely efficient and incredibly effective for weight loss and fitness.

Plus, they’re just WAY MORE FUN than training alone.

The only downside I see with boot camps is the loss of individually focused attention and highly customized training that One-on-One Personal Training provides. Up until now, it’s pretty much been one or the other, but that’s all about to change thanks to…

anytime fitness West Des Moines

Elite Group Personal Training at Elite Edge Gym

Elite Group Personal Training is fun…YOU WILL HAVE A BLAST!

Elite Group Personal Training is full of energy…YOU WILL FEEL ALIVE!

Elite Group Personal Training  provides social support…YOU WILL MAKE GREAT FRIENDS!

Most importantly Elite Group Personal Training WORKS!

Now, if you’re asking yourself, “Who is this guy, and why is he the authority on personal training programs in Waukee?” please allow me a few minutes to introduce myself…


My name is…Joe Brammer. I know what it’s like being the “overweight person” I was the “Husky Kid” growing up. Matter of fact I weighed more in the 7th grade than I do right now as a 38 Year old man.

Cutout photo of Joe Brammer.

I know it can be painful to go through life overweight and out of shape. It was painful for me. In fact so painful that one day I decided I had enough and was going to MAKE A CHANGE. I began working out and eventually lost over 50lbs. I went on to become a MMA Champion in several Leagues and even competed in the UFC on Pay Per View.

So, that’s my story.  But, what’s more exciting are the success stories my satisfied clients have!  

Here is a letter I got from one of our Clients that I thought you’d enjoy…


It has been a year since Stephanie and I joined Elite Edge and I wanted to let you know what an amazing year it has been!

Let me start a few years back when I was overweight… FAT!   I would avoid going out in public because I was so embarrassed.  And when I did go in stores, the clerks would not wait on me, probably because I didn’t look like I valued myself enough to put the effort into caring what I looked like.

I would go to the stores and just dream about fitting into some of the clothes.. yes, I had to go to the large size section. I wore a lot of stretch pants and sweat pants.  This is not the way I pictured myself being as I grew older!

I woke up one day after weighing over 210 pounds and fitting into a perfect size 22/24, and thought to myself  “ I really want to be around for my kids and see them grow up”.  My blood pressure was so high, one doctor took it 6 times and was pretty worried about me! 

Another Doctor even mentioned to me” have you ever thought about losing weight?”.   I was so mad!  How could he be so rude?   But then I thought.. why am I mad?  I AM fat and I DO need to lose weight.

Thus started my journey of weight loss.

I started on my own, trying different weight loss miracles, one concoction you drank and magically were supposed to lose weight in your sleep. Probably because drinking so much liquid made me get up in the middle of the night.. exercise right?   I tried various workout tapes and ended up sitting on the sofa eating chips laughing as I put the video in fast forward.  (try watching a Richard Simmons exercise video in fast forward, it is priceless!).

 I even joined a “workout gym” that you do on your own .  There was always someone at the front desk but nobody ever showed me how to use the machines.  A beep sound would tell us to move to the next machine, but after trying to figure out how to use it, here would come the next beep.  All I did was get in and out of machines!   One day I found myself with another  “weight loss wannabe” on the floor rolling off of the Physio balls.  With not a clue how to use them, we laughed as we rolled off onto the floor, after that, I never went back.

I started walking and tried to keep active and lost some weight, but after looking at myself in the mirror, I looked thinner, pants sizes dropped, but I looked kind of sickly.  The reason?… I was not toning and I was not eating enough!

I saw the ad for a membership trial to Elite Edge Gym.  I hesitantly joined, not expecting myself to last a week or two. “ Who has the time?  Who has the energy?”  “I can’t do this”.   Were all of my excuses, but it was worth the try and I joined with my teenage daughter.

The first two weeks were eye opening!  For the first time, I came to realize working out can be fun and so rewarding.  I did the workouts and felt for the first time… a sense of pride.  I kept at it, attending classes and the weight not only started coming off, but I was not as flabby.. I was toning!  It was also a great way to bond with my daughter and watch her self confidence soar!

The first realization that hit me was when I was at Target.  A man and woman were walking down the isle coming towards me, and as they passed, the man blurted out… “ Isn’t  she high maintenance”!   I laughed and actually took that as a great compliment!  I had on shorts and a T-shirt and was on a quick grocery run, not dressed fancy at all!  I wanted to turn around and walk up to the woman who was, my guess, over 300 pounds, and tell her… “You can lose weight too, don’t give up on it!”

 I want to let everyone know how GREAT it feels not only to lose weight, but to be fit!  It is not hard at all and a very rewarding journey!

The neat thing is that I know how working out at Elite Edge, not only works for me, but for everyone who goes to class.  It is amazing watching the body transformations in each and every client who goes to class.   Not only do the trainers know each clients potential, but the class encourages each other.  It is not a competition as everyone is different, each body type is unique and each person has their own goals.  But one thing we all have in common is we all want to be healthy and we want to see each other succeed. 

With the emails from Joe providing weight loss tips, encouragement, contests and great recipes, combined with a workout where the trainers care about each individual AND show us how to do each exercise correctly to gain the full benefit.. there is no way a person who attends, cannot lose weight or tone and enjoy themselves!

So at first I was a little embarrassed to show you my before photos, but yet, am so proud of how far I have come and what I have accomplished.  Going from a size 22/24 down to a 10/12 is mindboggling to me.  I DID IT!  Whoo hoo!   

Plus, I think it is important to show anyone who was my size before, that if I can do it.. anyone can!

I am over 50, work full time, have three kids and still have time to work out.  If I miss a days workout, I try to do some of the exercise at home, ones that elite edge provided as the top fat burners. 

There are so many classes throughout the day, making it easy to attend.  I’ve lost pounds, a lot of inches, lost body fat, but have gained a new outlook on life!

So I want to thank Elite Edge for a life changing year.  I am over 50 yrs. old, but feel better than I have my whole life!  There is NO turning back now!  I will NEVER be fat again! 



Sue Johnson

10 years ago…….

Overweight and Unhealthy!

Now, 10 yrs. Older, healthy and Happy!

“Now It’s Your Turn to Look and Feel as Awesome as They Do! Will You Let Me Help YOU?”

✔ YES! Joe, I’m ready to get amazing results like Sue. I’m going to click the button below to secure my Free trial in your one-of-a-kind Elite Group Training Program.


Or Call 515 412-1573 Right Now!

anytime fitness West Des Moines


  • Fitting back into your Skinny Jeans
  • Loving what you see when you look in the mirror
  • Being Proud to put on a swim suit at the beach
  • A Flat Midsection
  • Feeling more energized
  • Toned Thighs
  • A Firm But
  • Feeling Good about yourself Every Day

“ELITE GROUP Personal Training WILL Turn This Fantasy Into a Fact!”

Let me tell you how. With this program you will get

  • Personal Training In a Group no larger than 8 people. Research has shown that small groups are the best way to actually achieve your goals, stay motivated, and have fun while you work hard at losing the fat.
  • Personalized Nutrition plan. Every person is different and has different needs. With this program you will get a personalized diet and nutrition plan made especially for you and only you.
  • Grocery Store Tour. Your trainer will actually go to the grocery store with you to help you pick out the foods on your personal diet plan we are going to create for you.
  • Free Heart Rate Monitor. Heart rate is the best indicator of your output in the gym and the best indicator of how long YOUR PERSONAL rest time in between sets should be. Everyone has a different level of fitness and our hearts drop at different rates. By tracking your heart rate we are able to customize the workouts even further to get you better results.
  • Weekly Progress Tracking. Each week we will track every set and rep you do, as well as every calorie you eat and Pound you lose. By measuring each aspect of your training, diet and nutrition we are able to keep you on course to achieve your goals!
  • Individualized Workouts. Elite Group Personal training is a small group of no more than 8 people, but we tailor each workout for each client to help you reach your personal goals.


Or Call 515 412 1573 Right Now!

A Des Moines Area Personal Training Program That Delivers Results At An Affordable Rate

Best of all, our Des Moines Area Elite Group Personal training program is at a price that won’t break the bank – BIG problem with One-on-One Personal Training programs in the Des Moines Area.

Let’s run some quick numbers, shall we?

A good, not great, personal trainer in the Des Moines Area is going to run you $50-$100/session. Mind you, that’s generally an entry-level trainer at a quality facility. I can tell you when I worked in some of the big box gyms we charged at Least $100 per hour and now I can command even more.

But, let’s go with the $50 trainer for this example…

Most people know that they should train 2-3 times per week with a personal trainer if they want to see results. Well, it doesn’t take a math whiz to realize that’s going to cost $600 – $800 per month! And, remember, that’s with an average trainer!!

While I know I am worth every damn penny, I recognize the need for a more affordable program because personal training DOES HAVE VALUE – a lot, really.  And, there are a lot of people, perhaps you, who would like to get those benefits, but on a more cost friendly budget, right?


Our Elite Personal training start as low as $199 /month!

Now that’s a hell of a bargain!!

In addition to the incredible value and awesome training that our Elite Group Personal Training program provides, members will also receive:

  • Personal Training In a Group no larger than 8 people. Research has shown that small groups are the best way to actually achieve your goals, stay motivated, and have fun while you work hard at losing the fat.
  • Personalized Nutrition plan. Every person is different and has different needs. With this program you will get a personalized diet and nutrition plan made especially for you and only you.
  • Grocery Store Tour. Your trainer will actually go to the grocery store with you to help you pick out the foods on your personal diet plan we are going to create for you.
  • Free Heart Rate Monitor. Heart rate is the best indicator of your output in the gym and the best indicator of how long YOUR PERSONAL rest time in between sets should be. Everyone has a different level of fitness and our hearts drop at different rates. By tracking your heart rate we are able to customize the workouts even further to get you better results.
  • Weekly Progress Tracking. Each week we will track every set and rep you do, as well as every calorie you eat and Pound you lose. By measuring each aspect of your training, diet and nutrition we are able to keep you on course to achieve your goals!
  • Individualized Workouts. Elite Group Personal training is a small group of no more than 8 people, but we tailor each workout for each client to help you reach your personal goals.

Yeah, this program has it all…

“We’re Ready to Get You The Results You’ve Always Wanted AND Truly Deserve…Are YOU?”

✔ YES! Joe I’m ready to get amazing results like the rest of your clients. I’m going to click the button below to secure my Free Trial in your one-of-a-kind Waukee Personal Training Program.

Or Call 515 412 1573 Right Now!

I can’t wait to meet you!!

Committed To Your Health and Fitness

Joe Brammer

P.S. – Now’s your chance to take advantage of our FREE 2 WEEK TRIAL and see for yourself that YOU CAN ACHIEVE ALL YOUR WEIGHT LOSS & FITNESS GOALS!

 P.P.S. – The next 2 weeks are going to go by no matter what… You might as well make good use of them with this special free trial offer… CALL OR CLICK RIGHT NOW!

✔ YES! Joe I’m ready to get amazing results like the rest of your clients. I’m going to click the button below to secure my Free Trial in your one-of-a-kind Waukee Personal Training Program.

Or Call 515 412 1573 Right Now!