
Lunge Variations To Consider

As you move about your workout program, one key exercise that you definitely want to be sure you’re adding to the mix if you want to see top-notch results is the lunge.  Lunges and lunge variations are ideal for firming up the glutes, hamstrings, and quads, and will also help to target the core as well. 

All in all, lunges are very comparable to squats in terms of their effectiveness. Both are great at helping change the way your body looks. 

However, many people often get stuck in the rut of performing the same lunges over and over again. 

While it’s great to include them in your workout routine, for top notch results you should focus on adding enough variety to keep your muscles guessing. That’s where lunge variations come in.

Let’s have a look at a few of the different types of lunge variations that you should consider. These will help change up your workout and make sure you stay interested and on track to success. 

Reverse Lunges 

The first of our lunge variations is the reverse lunge.  This one is great for challenging your balance and agility level. It uses a movement pattern that you just aren’t used to making on a day to day basis. 

When performing the reverse lunges, you want to step directly behind you and move down into the full lunge position. 

Be sure to do this using a slow and controlled movement pattern with no weights at first until you get used to the activity.  It will take a bit of time to get accustomed to before you can go and start adding more weights into the mix. 

Stationary Lunges 

The second of the lunge variations that you should consider adding into your workout program is the stationary lunge.  This one is going to work the abs to a slightly larger extent compared to the walking lunge. It is also ideal for hitting the quads. 

Since you won’t have that follow through motion, more emphasis will be placed on the front of the thigh as well as on the butt (glutes) as it brings you back up to the starting position. 

Cross Body Lunges 

Moving along, the next of the lunge variations to consider is the cross body lunge.  These lunge variations are perfect for working the inner and outer thighs, as they’ll be called into play when performing it. 

Cross body lunges are going to strengthen the core as well as you’ll struggle to maintain your balance the entire way through. 

When performing these, be sure that the knees are tracking over the toes the entire way through. This will help to prevent the onset of knee pain. 

Split Squat Lunges 

Finally, the last of the lunge variations to consider is the split squat lunge.  This variation is great for those who are really looking to work the glutes. You’ll be placing a large amount of weight on those muscles when performing these lunge variations.

Really concentrate on not allowing the body to lean forward at all when you perform these. That will ensure that you maintain a good position. When done right, you’ll fully work more of the glutes and less of the quads and hamstrings. 

So there you have the top lunge variations that you should be considering as you go about your workout program.  Don’t do them all in one session, but rather alternate between them as time passes along.

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