
This year back to school is alot different..but I’ve had a lot of questions over the years about what to put in your kid’s lunch box, so if its home school, blended learning or in the school today I have some solutions for you of what to pack!


If you don’t have children, or your children are not in school, you can take some of these ideas for yourself:-)

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, “Schools have become hazardous health zones full of empty calories, junk food, and stripped-down physical education programs that are cultivating a nation of fatter, dumber, and more aggressive kids.”  While that may be a bit harsh, I think we can all agree there is some truth to it. School kitchens contain deep fryers, microwaves, and displays for candy and junk food, how can children stay healthy or learn?  When we watched the film, Fed Up, I was shocked that schools allow fast food to be served!


So what can you do as parents to raise smarter, fitter, and happier children? Here are two suggestions for improving the quality of nutrition your children are receiving.


  1. Take Back Your Homes by eating at home together as a family and feeding your children a protein rich whole food breakfast.
  2. Pack your child’s lunch.

Packing a Whole Foods Lunch

Packing a whole foods based lunch may be challenging if you have a picky eater, that was me growing up but I quickly grew out of that when I started to learn about nutrition and what was good for my body.  Use packing lunches as an opportunity to educate your children on how the food they eat can affect how they feel and perform.


Encourage your kids to be the ones to choose what goes into their lunches from whole food options that you give them.  This way, the food you pack will actually stand a chance of getting eaten. Don’t get caught up in the fact that lunches for you or your kids have to be fancy.  Often times the simpler the better…ensure there is protein, vegetables, healthy fat, and fruit or a starchy carbohydrate.

Below are some suggestions of whole food and more optimal processed foods to pack.


Hard boiled eggs                                                                     Chicken Sausages

Applegate or Thousand Hills Hot Dogs                                   Leftover Crock-pot Chicken

Apple sprinkled w/cinnamon                                                   Dried fruit:  mango, apricots, etc.

Raw or cooked veggies:  carrots, celery, etc                        Banana or plantain chips

Ham or turkey roll-up                                                               Kerrygold cheese

Fruit:  grapes, strawberries, clementine, etc.             Dark choc. Chips or a square

Popcorn made with coconut oil                                               Jackson’s Honest brand chips

Nut thin crackers                                                                     Lara or Kind bars

Paleo muffins or breakfast cookies                                        Paleo Kits

No sugar added applesauce                                                   Leftover beef or pork roast

Applegate pepperoni or salami                                               Leftover meatballs

Medjool dates                                                                          Maple Hill creamery yogurt

Homemade tuna salad                                                 Soups, chili

Clif Kid Organic Fruit Rope                                                      YumEarth Organics fruit snacks

Stretch Island Fruit Co. fruit strips                                          That’s It bars

Homemade grain free granola                                     Homemade trail mix

Justin’s Nut Butter packets                                                     Coconut butter packets

Chocolate covered almonds


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